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Friday, February 26, 2010

Another Great Way a Girl with Special Needs Uses Her TapToTalk

The last time we heard from Joanne O'Leary, she told us about the little girl in her class with severe apraxia, who loves her TapToTalk so much she wants to take it to the bathroom with her. Joanne has been using TapToTalk in all sorts of innovative ways. Here is one of them:
I have been having fun coming up with ideas for my little friend. The one I am working on now is having her make a choice of activities at center time and then make choices and comments.
For example, she selects puzzles, then she has different requests and comments about the activity:
  • "This puzzle is easy!"
  • "This puzzle is too hard, can you help me?"
  • "Watch me!"
  • "Uh oh, there's a piece missing!"
  • "Let's do another one!"
Using TapToTalk Designer, Joanne picks pictures and records sounds for each of the above sentences. Then her student can chat about the activity.

We salute Joanne O'Leary of Ft. Collins, Colorado, and all of those who work with special needs kids!

If you have a TapToTalk idea or story you'd like us to share with other TapToTalk users, please email us at blog@taptotalk.com.

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