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Monday, August 1, 2011

TapToTalk AAC for Cohen Syndrome

Cohen syndrome is a rare genetic disorder, characterized by developmental and intellectual delay, small head size, muscle and joint weakness, narrow hands and feet, small stature and myopia. Characteristic facial features include thick hair and eyebrows, long eyelashes, unusually-shaped eyes and an open-mouthed appearance. These children tend to be abnormally friendly.

Estimates are that fewer than 1,000 people have been diagnosed worldwide. However, Cohen syndrome is often misdiagnosed, so the incidence may be several times higher.

For much more about this condition and worldwide resources, visit the excellent Cohen Syndrome Association (CSA) website.

Children with Cohen syndrome are often non-verbal or partially verbal. They have the same need and right to communicate as do all other kids. TapToTalk can be an effective, affordable, portable, socially acceptable, customizable AAC solution for them.

Check out this great video of a child with Cohen syndrome being introduced to her TapToTalk. We want to thank Lisa Simonson McElhinney, president of the Cohen Syndrome Association, for this video. And even more thanks to her sweet daughter Morgan, its shining star.
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