One of the things that TapToTalk Mom's tell us makes them especially happy is when their child tells them what they want on their TapToTalk. After all, the point is for your child to communicate what they are thinking and feeling. Often this seems to start with food. Here are some recent examples:
@moiraeve1 posted on twitter: "Made pad thai, took picture, now its a food choice in my kid's #TaptoTalk."
We bet mom was happy when her child loved the pad thai!
Caroline Curran posted on our Facebook page: "Emel (daughter) told me she wants me to make her a McDonalds album for her TapToTalk so she can order her own food. That's my job for tomorow. She just loves her TapToTalk."
So there's one more small way Emel has gained self-reliance. A nice project for Caroline.
What we find great is that non-verbal kids are somehow communicating to mom what they want to be able to say. And together, mother and child can make it happen.
Communicating is what TapToTalk is all about.
If you have a TapToTalk idea or story you'd like us to share with other TapToTalk users, please email us at The TapToTalk Team