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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Food and Feelings Trump Toys – See the Most Popular TapToTalk Pictures

The results are in. In the chart below, you can see the top 10 TapToTalk pictures that people are using in their TapToTalks. We were surprised that "Toys-Games" did not make the cut. But pictures in the "Electronics" category did make the list for the top pictures kids need for communicating, so we guess that tells us something about the technology and gadget world in which we are now living.

There is no surprise that "Food" is the overwhelming favorite communication need at #1 on the list. We on the TapToTalk Team often get hungry too and "food" would probably be high on our top 10 list as well. What we hear from customers almost always starts with, "The first thing my child did was ask for what he wanted to eat." That's followed by, "Then he told me how he felt." This customer feedback agrees with the data: "Food" and "Emotions" fall into the #1 and #2 spots.

We were also surprised to see "Weather" at #10 on the list. What surprised you?

For more about the TapToTalk picture library, go to http://www.taptotalk.com/pictureinfo.aspx.

If you have a TapToTalk idea or story you'd like us to share with other TapToTalk users, please email us at blog@taptotalk.com.

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