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Saturday, August 24, 2013

Sometimes You Just Need a Hug

Your child is injured. "Where does it hurt?" you ask. He points, because he cannot speak, and you start treating the injury.

Now, let's give that child a voice.

As Bonnie Thompson wrote us, "My grandson takes his TapToTalk everyday to school. Yesterday he fell on the playground and skinned his hand, knees, elbow, shoulder. He was a mess. They took him (with his TapToTalk) to the nurse and asked him to show them where he hurt. (I have put pics of body parts as the second page to 'hurt'.) He pushed, "I just need a hug!" Everyone was so excited and proud, they called me right away! And he hugged his aide the rest of the day."

Isn't it great when he can ask for what he wants? You bet it is!
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