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Saturday, October 24, 2009

A Mom Reviews TapToTalk

Tammy Lessick is the author of the AutismLearningFelt blog. She is also the mother of an autistic son. Tammy recently put TapToTalk to a real-world test with her son, and wrote a detailed three-part review:

Part 1: TapToTalk Communication for Autistic Children
Part 2: TapToTalk and Our Reactions
Part 3: Tips for Using TapToTalk

We are delighted with the success Tammy's son has had using TapToTalk. Here is a brief quote:
Since we started using the TapToTalk, he has been independent with communication...The first time he used this was to communicate what he wanted to eat and drink for supper. The smile on his face was amazing. He answered quickly and was rewarded with what he wanted. Since then, he has used it to tell us how he feels and where he wants to go.
Tammy is an experienced, independent reviewer, and she really put TapToTalk through its paces. We provided her with a free 3-month subscription to TapToTalk Designer so she could do the review. If you are interested in finding out how TapToTalk is making effective personalized assistive communication affordable, we encourage you to read her thorough review.

If you have a TapToTalk idea or story you'd like us to share with other TapToTalk users, please email us at blog@taptotalk.com.

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