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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Halloween and Your Non-Verbal Child

A Halloween tip from Tammy Lessick, TapToTalk Mom and author of the AutismLearningFelt blog:
The holidays present challenges for us. My son likes to go Trick O’ Treating. He is still young enough for it, but will soon outgrow it (age wise anyways). The problem we face is that he likes to go into everyone’s house. Also, approaching a lot of strangers' houses means curious looks when my nonverbal, autistic son doesn’t say anything, just holds out his bag and makes noises. Last year, we had his Nintendo and TapToTalk program to help with that. I uploaded a Halloween picture for him to touch that said "Trick O’Treat."
We'd add a picture that says "Boo!" And the ever-popular, "Thank you."

You'll find a few Halloween pictures in the Holidays category of the TapToTalk Picture Library. There's also a picture for "thank you" in the Widgit Samples category. And you can always use your own pictures in TapToTalk as well.

Happy Halloween!

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